Friday, November 22, 2013

Me With Dad

to day we are dun with harry potter 3 and iem 6 i used to bee 5.

This day is Friday and we don't have school tomorrow.

Would you like to know about some day that me and dad play together?  Yes, you do? Okay, I'll tell you bout it.

Today me and my dad were walking down the street at night and we had flashlights.  We were pretending that we were ghost hunters and when we shined the light we heard a squeal that made the ghost run away!  Then what happened is that we heard some creaking and we scratched our heads and kept going on our walk.  We did it through the hole neighborhood and me and my dad got so exhausted we went back home so it was an exhausting day.

The End.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall and Winter

to day we are gonig to nevrmind, 

talk about some things.  So, today I went to school and when I was done, we went on a walk.  My feet were tired.  Mom said "Come on, let's keep going" and she said it was a really gorgeous ride, I really liked coming back, but I didn't like going because I thought we were just going to get food immediately when they picked me up from school.

We went to In N Out and I also spilled a kombucha so she didn't give me a drink.  I was kind of really upset and when we came home we went outside and Faye talked to Taryn and I was really bored.  Bored, bored bored.  Me and Faye jumped on the trampoline and Mom wanted to read Harry Potter but Faye lost the book and I was so mad because we were in the middle of the book, and I said to Grandma, and I was really angry still.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fear Day

google image
to day i wit to school  win i wuz done we wocht ikubod 

and ate donuts.  I got the gross one.  It was flavored like chocolate and vanilla mixed together and it had strawberry twirled in it.  Yuck.

We went to Calvin's house and we got home and we ate pizza, but no Mine Craft tonight.  Dad said.  I was really ignored.  Now, I guess we are just going to go to bed and then school comes up again tomorrow.

The end.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Sword of Ice

me and mi dad woke up and we made pancakes. and bacin and eggs win we were done we  were going to
play mnie craft but mom sed win ur dun go and woh confrins.

Then when conference was done, we were going to play mine craft and then we were going to just play some games and me and my dad would go and get batman legos two.  Then before night we would have a great feast and then we would be all done with today but I figured I kind of liked today so this is the end.  We were going to play a game and then we would play tomorrow and we are going to play laser tag.

next chaptr3 floting stars. 

The big writing that is in italics was written by Keith with no help.  The smaller regular type font is when his mom typed for him, writing what he dictated.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Magic Trampoline And The Enchanted Splash Pad

This is the first start of my blog and these are my photos of me and my sister.  We have been playing a lot together, and I want to show you, but I will share a few words before I begin.

Rule number 1: Me and Faye play together every day and I think we will do the mud time.

Me and Faye were playing in the mud.  I didn't want to get dirty, but Faye kept splashing mud on me.  And now I will show it.

Rule number 51: Um, we are just going to skip to the part and show you the pictures.

Okay.  Beginning.  Me and Faye, Chapter 1.

Me and Faye were playing around and the trampoline was being fixed.  Me and Faye were playing a lot more than helping.  We were considered bored.  Then on the next day, it took nine or two days.  Wait, no no no, it was ten.  Wait.  Oh, okay, okay, so it is um, um, uh, oh.  Um, it was fixed and me and Faye were jumping a lot.  It was kind of fun the first time.  It was a lot of fun.  It was when Faye was 2 and I was 4.

Me and Faye were just jumping.  We like to jump a lot, we just don't know why.  I am starting to have a headache, I don't know why.  I love the days when I just relax and watch TV.  So what happened is that we just kept jumping and we got really bored when we were jumping slow.

So me and mom and Faye went to the Pioneer Park once.  They rearranged it a little bit.  They have a splash pad and it is really fun.  They have this part in the back that has water that shoots out, and I got a little bit on my mom.  Then what happened is we played for an hour there and I didn't get the water shot thing on me.  Once it shot at Faye, but it didn't get me.  There is another splash pad that has a slide.  It was more fun.

The end.