Monday, March 2, 2015

crowfang ,gort and luke

Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Crowfang who lived in Mt. Comoru. And the dragon's cave was at the top of the mountain. 

And the king named King Whine lived in the nearby castle. The castle was named Tracintree. 

It was a stormy night and Crowfang stole Princess Winsacot and ten princesses were gone! King Whine got so MAD he searched and searched and searched but she was not to be found.

10 years passed and a competition came.  The first people in the competition were Shard and Vaneden. At the end...

Shard lost.

To win, you have to kill the other person, which means Shard is dead...

And then, Crowfang killed Vaneden. Another contestant named Gorthin told Luke and Gort that Vaneden was killed! Gort and Luke eventually killed Crowfang but Luke dide! But Gort got injured! But they lived happily ever after with Princess Winsacot.


  1. Keith, I love your story! So exciting! My favorite is the picture of Princess Winsacot.

  2. Awesome story. You have a great imagination. I liked the part about the competition to the death. Keep writing stories.
